Sunday, November 22, 2015

DOMA Art Festival New Project - "Heading North"

The Northern mood continues. Warmly, we prepare for our next north destination. In Bulgaria: < heading north > are series of events collected in one month and dedicated to the Nordic culture. This time in Veliko Tarnovo between 5 - 28 November.
We are happy to be part of this program and to focus the north wind to swirl there. Here's what is coming:

<> 19 - 28 November <>
e x h i b i t i o n
"Graphic design of the North" from DOMA: Nordica with the works of the Finnish design studio Tsto and Viktor Hertz at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of "Sv. St. Cyril and Methodius".

<> November 19 from 18:30 <>
l e c t u r e / / / d e s i g n - s t u d i o / T s t o
The vikings of the Finnish graphic design will give a special online lecture, where they will inspire with cultural identities and different visual views of the institutions.

<> November 20th from 18:30 <>
l e c t u r e / / / c u l t u r a l / m a n a g e m e n t
At the Faculty of Fine Arts, Martina Stefanova and Doychin Kotlarov will talk about the creating of the Art Foundation "DOMA" - the engine of the festival DOMA Art Fest, about the festival, whose focus this year was NORDICA and other passed and upcoming projects.

Official Facebook Event`s Page

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