Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Toy Voyagers

Voyager of the Week: Twixx

Congratulations to Twixx, our Voyager of the Week!

Twixx has been on an epic journey. It began in November 2011, when Yosemite registered him on the website and sent him off on his travels.

Since then a a series of dedicated ToyVoyager hosts have helped Twixx to cover more than 12000 miles. His journey has covered Switzerland, Italy, France, Germany, England, Scotland and Finland so far and he has taken in some spectacular scenery along the way. For example this pic, taken by host Ravyna, is of the stunning Eilan Donan Castle in Scotland.

His adventures have even featured a bungee jump - a clever stunt sequence set up by host Jasper - which did not go un-noticed by other site members who flagged it up for special mention in the forum.

So, congratulations to Twixx. And big thanks to Yosemite, as well as all of the other excellent hosts that have made his journey so great: jo_mlp, sirkku-susanna, miapearl, -[Dino]-, Ravyna, Julie Hansen, Erika The Mouse, mcdaniels and Jasper.

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