Sunday, September 20, 2015

Junk Gypsy - the Heart of a Dreamer. And, also, Mall Bangs

here’s the deal. we remember being a teenager (oh sweet gracious, mom and i especially remember amie being a teenager…and i thank the good Lord above that we all survived those years. seriously. it’s a bit of a miracle.) whew…i digress [as always].

as i was saying, we REMEMBER what it’s like to be a teenager … having a wild independent spirit (some things never change). wanting to be FREE. free to have every big dream in the world. free to be a rockstar. or a cowgirl. or a bohemian. a dreamer. an old soul. or to be a crazy patchwork mix of all of those things. because it’s ok to have a life-size poster of jon bon jovi in your room & one of george strait & a basketball hoop laundry hamper on the door & a country quilt on the bed & your horses out in the pasture all at the same time…oh wait, that was me. but while we’re at it, let’s not forget the giant can of RAVE hairspray.

and we believe, dreams are so BIG and beautiful at this age…

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