Tuesday, February 23, 2016

What Have Made up the Sykes Sisters 4 New Year?

Seize the (holi)day

it’s that time of year. that time when you get all kinds of warm fuzzies at the sight of twinkly lights and tear up like a baby watching ELF (not me mind you…but i have a friend…). of course, this time of year, the thing we all want the most is to seize the holiday. seize the moment. the spirit. we want to pause a little while and sing old fashioned Christmas carols…we want to sip apple cider…we want to spend time with our family and reminisce about the days before there was elf on the shelf (oh dear sweet baby Jesus….WHYYYYY? whyyyyyyy?).

well, ladies & gentlemen, i bring you good tidings. tidings of good cheer.

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